Lauren Rudd
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Emotions Can Be Expensive
A few days before the market crashed in October of 1929,
Irving Fisher, a well-known monetary economist, confidently predicted that,
"Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."
For months subsequent to the crash, Fisher continued to
assure investors that a recovery was just around the corner. Unfortunately, he
was blind-sided by his own biases.
Letting your emotions or personal bias drive your investment
strategy can be an expensive mistake. Let me offer a more profitable approach.
If a company has strong fundamentals, a solid business plan going forward,
astute management and you understand the company’s business philosophy, then buy
the shares and hold them with the understanding that the shares will fluctuate
in price, often in sync with but to a lesser degree than the overall market.
Furthermore, companies are often at the mercy of speculators
and short-sellers, not to mention the capricious opinions bandied about by
analysts. The result again is short-term volatility, often in conjunction with a
share price decline. The antidote is always an inherently strong set of
financial fundamentals.
For example, there has been considerable commentary of late
about Best Buy, a company whose share price has more than doubled in the past
six months. Nonetheless, opinions regarding Best Buy’s future are pretty much
split between bankruptcy and a new awakening, so let me add a little fuel to
fire. My intention is not so much an indictment or defense of Best Buy. Rather
it is to make the important point that analyzing a company requires more than a
cursory look at few numbers.
For instance, the quick ratio and the current ratio are often
used to ascertain the liquidity and therefore the ability of a company to meet
creditors’ demands. Both ratios utilize current assets divided by current
liabilities. (Note: Current assets, such as marketable securities, are converted
to cash and used to pay current liabilities in a 12-month period.) The quick
ratio does not include inventory as a current asset, whereas the current ratio
These ratios for Best Buy at the end of Q1 were 0.53 for the
quick ratio and 1.17 for the current ratio. The quick ratio would, at a cursory
glance, indicate that Best Buy had half the short-term assets needed to meet
current liabilities, whereas the current ratio told a different story.
The key factor here is inventory turnover (cost of goods sold
divided by average inventory). Fast turnover means increased liquidity. In its
last fiscal year, Best Buy’s turnover was 5 times, meaning inventory stayed
around for about 2.5 months. Wal-Mart’s current ratio was 0.83 in its last
fiscal year; however Wal-Mart turned its inventory over 8 times during the same
period. Inventory turnover equates to increased liquidity.
No one would argue that Best Buy has had earnings
difficulties. Some have interpreted negative net income to mean that not just
the dividend is in danger but the Company itself. I could easily argue against
this point. The real key is free cash flow, or free cash flow to the firm. In
fiscal 2013, which lasted only 11 months, Best Buy recorded a free cash flow of
about $800 million and paid out only $224 million in dividends. Net income
turned negative due to non-cash write offs and impairment charges. Once these
are backed out Best Buy has been consistently profitable.
There is also a question of debt. At the end of 2007 Best Buy
had a total debt of $816 million. At the end of Q1 this year that debt has grown
to about $1.69 billion. Yet, at the end of 2008, debt was $1.96 billion. So,
debt has been decreasing.
The per share intrinsic value of Best Buy using a discounted
free cash flow to the firm model is $56, as compared to a recent share price of
$26.88. My estimate is that Best Buy will earn $2.15 per share in its current
fiscal year and I have a 12-month share price projection of $31 for an
annualized return of 10 percent. There is also an indicated dividend of 2.50
One word of caution, Best Buy is undergoing a revitalization and its success is
not a given. Do your own research.