Lauren Rudd
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Professional Advice Not Needed
As someone who regularly teaches courses in investment
analysis, it is often apparent that while the consensus is to learn, the risk of
dealing with Wall Street continues to be of concern. It is not just an inherent
distrust of Wall Street; the concern often embraces a repugnant opinion of those
who are purveyors of its products.
That Wall Street has engendered such a paramount level of
suspicion is a curse of its own making, a consequence of having gorged itself on
the spoils of several financial bubbles, while at the same time decimating the
very nest eggs delegated to it for growth and safe keeping.
Tragically, for many it is too late to prevent the
victimization perpetrated by those denizens of the financial world that have an
uncanny ability to ferret out a combination of ample financial assets and a lack
of investment sophistication.
They proffer as evidence a stream of letters after their
name, or an association, however tenuous, with a firm or person of some repute,
and last but not least, a gratuitous dinner offer.
And while often sufficiently on the side of the law so as to
avoid prosecution; the promised returns are rarely forthcoming. Rather an
intoxicating idea often degenerates into a situation whereby the invested funds
become seriously depleted, illiquid, or possibly lost altogether.
To further complicate matters there are a seemingly endless
variety of economic scenarios being proffered up depicting an apocalyptic
outlook for the equity world. However, assistance in negotiating such
treacherous shoals is available...for a small fee of course.
Ignore it all. Investing in common stocks is prudent and
appropriate at virtually any point in time and generally entails little more
than a modicum of common sense.
You do not need professional advice or specialized computer
software or expensive newsletters and whatever else is being touted these days
by those claiming to have an “inside track,” to the Holy Grail of investing,
that flawless method for deciding what to buy and when.
Not only is there is no Holy Grail, there should never be
even a hint of a guarantee as to an investment’s performance. Yet, for some the
search has become an obsession, while for others it is a hopeless crusade. In
either case, their frustration leaves them vulnerable to the vultures that prey
on the uninformed.
Nonetheless, there is one method anyone can use to build a
decent a period of about 20 minutes. Your total commission cost,
using a discount brokerage house, should not exceed $45 and you do not have to
look at your portfolio for a year.
Developed by money manager Michael O’Higgins, this often
maligned methodology is most often referred to as the Dow Five theory or Small
Dogs of the Dow and it was originally described in his book “Beating the Dow,”
(Harper Collins Publishers, 1991 and since revised). The strategy limits your
horizon of possible investment candidates to the 30 companies that make up the
Dow Jones Industrial Average.
The theory consists of selecting the five lowest priced of
the Dow’s 30 stocks from the ten with the highest dividend yield. You buy an
equal dollar amount, not an equal number of shares, of each of these five
companies and hold the shares for one year.
On the anniversary of your purchase, you again identify the
five lowest priced stocks out of the ten with the highest yield and adjust your
portfolio accordingly. Using a “Dogs of the Dow” mutual fund defeats the low
cost part of the strategy.
By implementing the strategy, you become a contrarian
investor. In terms of 2012 performance, the Dow Five registered a total return
of 10.39 percent, while the S&P 500 index chalked up 16 percent.
Does the Dow Five theory work every year; no, of course not.
Still, for 2011 the return was 19.2 percent, as opposed to 2.1 percent for S&P
500. The Dow Five three year average return is 18 percent as compared to 14.5
for the S&P 500.
Your year can start anytime. If you should decide to begin now, the list is:
AT&T, Microsoft, Pfizer, General Electric, and Intel. The combined average
dividend yield is 3.88 percent. For additional information, see