Lauren Rudd
Sunday, October 28, 2012
The Scariest of Ghosts and Goblins
While a variety of scary ghosts and goblins will soon be
knocking on your door asking for treats, none will be scarier than Wall Street.
As both an economist and Wall Street analyst, I am increasingly concerned
over the continued decimation of investor confidence brought about by an
unadulterated fear of the financial markets.
That fear was undoubtedly the deciding factor in the
resultant decision by investors to exit equity mutual funds. According to a
recent report by the Investment Company Institute, investors withdrew funds for
the 12th consecutive week ended October 10. The net outflow, while still $2.3
billion, was certainly less than the withdrawal that occurred during the
previous week when $10.6 billion, the largest departure of funds from stock
mutual funds since August 10, 2011, was withdrawn.
Additionally, withdrawals from stock funds have exceeded
deposits each and every week since July 18 and for all but two weeks in the
period dating back to mid-February, despite the S&P 500 index being up 12
percent year-to-date. Furthermore, it is not just domestic stock funds that are
being punished. The ICI noted that $295 million was withdrawn during the latest
week from foreign stock funds and that withdrawals have exceeded deposits in
those funds for the past 12 consecutive weeks.
If the data surprises you, it shouldn’t, especially when you
consider the ongoing decline in economic prosperity. According to the Census
Bureau, the median household income fell to $50,054 in 2011, down 1.5 percent
from a year earlier. At the same time, income inequality widened, as the highest
income echelon experienced a jump, while those in the middle saw incomes shrink.
Yet, the national poverty rate did ease a little to 15.0 percent of the
population in 2011, down slightly from 15.1 percent the year before.
So how is Wall Street reacting to the angst of investors?
Difficult to tell since Wall Street has its attention riveted on trying to
prevent the full implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act, predicting direst of consequences if the section
dealing with the Volcker rule is broadly implemented. If seems everyone has
their own particular perdition to deal with.
What is amusing is the failure on the part of the Street to
acknowledge that nothing in Dodd-Frank in general, or the Volcker rule in
particular, specifically outlaws proprietary trading, which is trading for an
institution's own account. The idea behind the Volcker rule is simply to ensure
that such trading is not carried out under the auspices of an implicit guarantee
of being made whole by the taxpaying public.
Because proprietary trading often encompasses complex
financial instruments under increasingly risky circumstances, it's only prudent
to warrant that taxpayers are not on the hook for rampant misbehavior, thereby
preventing a repeat of what happened subsequent to the crash of 2008. Back then
garden-variety commercial banks, such as Bank of America and Citigroup, appeared
to have an implicit blank check from the government. Others, such as AIG, had
their tentacles were so deeply wrapped around the financial system that the
government felt that their collapse, even if it was from their own stupidity,
couldn't be allowed to happen.
Without restraints such an assurance would again be assumed
in those instances where deposits are guaranteed by the federal government or
the bank is so systemically important that a bailout by the government would be
necessary if a bank’s bets go south.
Wall Street forgets that the most difficult moment of the
2008 financial meltdown, the failure of Lehman Brothers, caused a crisis of
confidence precisely because everyone on Wall Street had assumed it would
eventually be bailed out — just like Bear Stearns had been. Expectations matter.
That’s not to say the failure of a super-sized bank wouldn’t be disruptive.
Still, the “systemically important” label creates the expectation of special
treatment in a crisis. Therefore, if not reined in the unbridled greed of Wall
Street will once again have us careening headlong into economic hell.