Lauren Rudd
Sunday, March 14,
Not The Holy Grail but Easy and Effective
Having taught students at all levels, from college to adult
education, I have learned the value of repetition. So let me state once again,
investing is not difficult. Anyone with a modicum of common sense should have no
difficulty building a successful portfolio.
Yes, it is that easy and no you do not need professional
advice or specialized computer software or expensive newsletters and whatever
else is being touted these days by those claiming to have an “inside track.”
Unfortunately, there are investors, or would be investors,
who continue to look for Wall Street’s Holy Grail, that flawless method for
deciding which stocks to buy and when. Regrettably, there is no Holy Grail and
to make matters worse, Wall Street offers no guarantees. Yet, for some the
search has become an obsession, while for others it is a hopeless crusade. In
either case, their frustration leaves them vulnerable to the vultures that prey
on the uninformed.
Meanwhile, you can dramatically increase your probability of
investment success if you pay attention to two simple rules. The first is that
the higher the return, the higher the risk. The second is that capital
appreciation takes time. Like baking a cake or brewing beer (as a matter of
disclosure, I have never done either), capital appreciation cannot be rushed.
Over time, a portfolio with quality ingredients can and will produce outstanding
Furthermore, there is one method anyone can use to build a
decent a period of about 20 minutes. Your total commission cost,
using a discount brokerage house, should not exceed $35 and you do not have to
look at your portfolio for a year.
Developed by money manager Michael O’Higgins, this often
maligned methodology is referred to as the Dow 5 theory or Small Dogs of the Dow
and it was originally described in his book “Beating the Dow,” (Harper Collins
Publishers, 1991). The strategy limits your horizon of possible investment
candidates to the 30 companies that make up the Dow Jones industrial average.
As O’Higgins points out, these companies are among the most
widely held, widely analyzed and widely publicized companies in the world.
Combined, the 30 Dow companies have assets of over a trillion dollars and more
than 4.5 million employees.
They may gain, lose, spin off, acquire, merge, rename
themselves, reorganize, or even drop out of the Dow, but they are an integral
and vital part of our economic system. In one form or another, they are here to
The Dow 5 theory consists of selecting the five lowest priced
of the Dow 30 stocks, selected from the ten with the highest dividend yield. You
buy an equal dollar amount, not an equal number of shares, of each of these five
companies and hold the shares for one year. On the anniversary of your purchase,
you again identify the five lowest priced stocks out of the ten with the highest
yield and adjust your portfolio accordingly.
For 2009, the total return for the Dow 5 was 27.72 percent.
The S&P 500 had a return of 27.9 percent, while Fidelity Magellan (FMAGX)
returned 35.73 percent and the Vanguard Index 500 (VFINX) 19.73 percent.
Does the Dow 5 theory work every year? No, it does not. For
2008, the return on the Dow 5 was a negative 49.1 percent. At the same time, the
return on the S&P 500 was a negative 37 percent; Fidelity Magellan, a negative
49.4 percent. The Vanguard Index posted a negative return of 37 percent. Much of
the Dow 5’s decline that year was due to General Motors.
During the past 10 years through 2008, the average annual
returns were 2.7 percent for the Dow 5, 0.7 percent for the S&P 500, a negative
0.5 percent for Magellan and 0.6 percent for Vanguard. Those numbers are an
illustrative example of Siegel’s Paradox, where a loss of 50 percent will
require 7.2 years to return you to a breakeven point, assuming you receive a 10
percent compounded annual return.
Your year can start at anytime. If you decided to begin on March 9, the list was
Pfizer, Kraft, AT&T, DuPont and Verizon, with a combined average dividend yield
of 5.14 percent.