Streetwise for Sunday Nov 30, 2008

Streetwise for Sunday November 30, 2008





Lauren Rudd


Sunday, November 30, 2008



It Is End Game Time



They call the conclusion of a chess match the end game and it takes special skills to master that part of the contest. In the stock market, we have the end-of-the-year-game. What makes this time of the year so unique is the tax-loss selling and profit-taking (such as it is this year) that occurs.


Normally the period between mid-November and year-end can provide some of the best stock buying opportunities of the entire year. In the past investors planned to do as much as 80 percent of their annual buying and selling during this period. Unfortunately, the economy and the stock market have seen better times. However, the current state of Wall Street should not negate your taking advantage of the investment opportunities currently available.


End-of-the-year bottom fishing is quite simple. You are looking for companies whose shares have been beaten down because of the malaise gripping the investment world. Or they could have succumbed to the understandable but over-done panic we see all too often nowadays. Regardless, there are numerous unloved and undervalued companies whose shares are looking for a munificent buyer.


In the past I have provided those who are short of investment ideas with some candidates, the performance of which I then review a year later. Never intended to be an instant portfolio where you simply add water and mix, the ideas were designed to be a catalyst to stimulate your own investment thinking.


Rather than discourage you with the toll the market has taken on last year’s selections, we should instead view the problem from a fresh perspective. Recognize that virtually every stock has suffered some damage over the past year. Furthermore, you cannot judge the efficacy of any stock selection based on a one or two year return.


Your short-term investment objective should be to exceed the annual performance of the S&P 500 index, preferably by 3 to 5 percentage points. Longer term, you want to exceed that same index’s 40-year average rate of return of 10.8 percent.


However, let me reiterate a point I have made before. It is foolhardy to believe that you can always pick just those companies whose shares will show the highest price appreciation during any given year. Swinging from the rafters is a game for monkeys, not investors.


Although it may not make you the life of the party this holiday season, if someone asks you about your investment philosophy, simply tell them that you try to exceed a 10.8 percent average compounded rate of return over a period of 3 to 5 years.


If you are prudent in your stock selection, and you let time and diversification work to your advantage, while still keeping your risk profile at a reasonable level, you will likely leave that objective in the dust...without breaking a sweat.


No, exiting the market and stuffing your life savings under a mattress or in a Certificate of Deposit (they are equivalent), is not an option. Instead you want to look for those companies that will best be able to weather the economic downturn and then blossom as the economic revival unfolds.


To find them you are going to need an edge. If you want to become a market-trouncing master strategist, your knowledge of a given company must be superior to that of the great unwashed. So where do you begin?


Six companies that have the potential to build on current strengths, synonymous with compressing a spring, and then uncoil with augmented potency during the next expansionary period would include Best Buy and Hasbro. On the technology front, Hewlett-Packard and Intel are possible candidates. Finally, in the arena of consumer non-durable goods, Procter & Gamble and Clorox seem to stand out. Next week we will see if we can add to this list with six more companies, some of which will be small cap stocks to balance things out.